Early Symptoms Of Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol use disorder is a common addiction. People have been misusing alcohol since they’ve been drinking. Not everyone who abuses alcohol becomes addicted, but some people are more likely than others to develop a drinking problem. For example, people who have experienced abuse or have a close family member with an addiction are more prone to abusing substances. Other people who use alcohol regularly may have a seemingly stable background, with no issues predisposing them to heavy drinking.
Do you drink excessively regularly? Whether you have been drinking alcohol to excess for a few months or a few years, it’s never too early to quit drinking for your own physical and mental health. If you or somebody you love has been drinking to excess lately, you may be wondering about alcoholism and alcohol use disorder. (The latter term is now used in most clinical settings.)
Recognizing Early Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms
People who become addicted to alcohol often have similar behaviors. That’s because these are symptoms of an alcohol use disorder. People who are worried about alcohol use disorder, for example, may try to quit drinking but feel incapable. They may experience stress, anxiety, or headaches when they don’t drink.
Drinking too much regularly may cause a person to miss sleep, be late to work, or try to function at work or school while hungover. A person with alcohol use disorder has trouble controlling their drinking and behavior when they drink. If somebody drinks more than they intend or stays up drinking later than they want, it shows that alcohol may be a problem. DUIs and drunk in public charges are often signs that drinking is a problem. Passing out regularly or blacking out are also signs that you consume dangerous amounts of alcohol. This can cause damage to your liver, cardiovascular system, and other organs.
When Should You Get Help?
It doesn’t matter what age a person is or how long they have been drinking alcohol. If you can’t cut down or quit drinking, even if you want to, then you probably have an alcohol use disorder. Getting help will benefit your life right now.
A pre-occupation with partying, drinking, or using multiple substances like alcohol with marijuana is also a sign of a substance use disorder.
No one has to “hit rock bottom” or “lose everything” before getting sober. The good news is that all substance use disorders, including alcohol use disorders, are treatable. You can have a more fulfilling, authentic life and re-connect with the things that give you meaning. You don’t have to live an unhealthy, unhappy life of addiction. You can get free and reclaim your life and re-establish your health.
Getting Help for Alcohol Use Disorder
If you or somebody you love has alcohol use disorder, you probably have many questions. Our program helps people begin to nurture their body, mind, and spirit as they recover. We’d love to answer them. Contact us to learn more about our programs at US (949) 279-1376 • MX (612) 153-5726.