Sunday Afternoons at 4pm

Our “Singleness of Purpose” is to provide a safe place for all who wish to be free of intoxicants and other destructive addictive behaviors, as well as those who love and care for them, joined in common cause.
Our focus is not intoxicant or behavior specific, but is on shared solutions of recovery.Though our stories are an integral part of the process, our focus is less on the past as it is on what is required today to be free of poisonous addiction in mind, body and soul, and how it is our responsibility to learn how to embrace recovery, one day at a time.
We invite all who suffer from addiction, directly or indirectly, to share their experience in recovery and their strength in purpose and solution, to help eradicate the notion that addiction only affects the user. We join in harmonious action, practicing patience, tolerance, kindness, and love to the best of our ability, today.
- John and Lydia