How to Stage an Intervention
Are you worried that a loved one needs help with a substance use disorder? Do you see signs of addiction? Denial can be a big issue for somebody suffering from an addiction. It’s hard to watch somebody you love seem to spiral out of control while they assure you that everything is “fine.” You may start to realize that you can’t get your loved one help on your own. You need reinforcements.
Sometimes the best chance to get through to your loved one is a carefully planned intervention. An intervention can help family and friends motivate the loved one to change their behavior, and help break through denial by giving them the courage to examine and absorb the upsetting effects of their drug or alcohol abuse.
What is an Intervention?
An intervention is an event that is carefully planned by the family and friends of a person with a suspected substance use disorder. Usually, the intervention will be planned in conjunction with a substance abuse counselor, doctor, or an interventionist. The goal of the intervention is to confront your loved one with the consequences of their addiction. From there, the conversation will turn from addiction to recovery, with the result being that your loved one will try a new way of living and seek treatment.
Interventions don’t always result in an immediate decision to change a life. Sometimes, a seed is planted for future actions. Other times, a person will ask for “one more try” and agree to go to treatment if they “fail” at quitting on their own again.
What Happens During an Intervention?
Family members and loved ones participate in an intervention – but please don’t invite anyone that is currently using drugs or alcohol with the person being intervened upon.
During the intervention, participants will:
• Tell their stories about how the loved ones’ behaviors have affected them, and provide specific examples of those behaviors.
• Offer your loved one a specific plan that’s already been worked out, allowing them to “pack and go.” (The treatment plan should be created with the help of professionals who will also be involved in the plan itself.)
• Let your loved one know what will happen if they refuse to get the help they are being offered. This is something that you must take seriously and be ready to accept. Boundaries are an important way to help your loved one get well.
Creating a Plan for the Future
Creating an intervention is an important step to getting help for a loved one, but you should never try to “wing it” or try to emulate something you’ve seen on television.
Consulting with an addiction professional, such as a treatment counselor, social worker or an interventionist is the best way to help organize a successful intervention.
Getting better doesn’t happen overnight and not all people are excited about going to treatment. As the fog lifts and they begin to open up to their peers, life begins to have new meaning. New possibilities for the future unfold.
Treatment is a great place to get centered and discover what you want out of your new life, clean and sober. At Las Olas Recovery, we do our best to make new clients comfortable. We offer a state of the art clinical detoxification center in Baja California (Mexico). Contact our intake department by calling (949) 279-1376 (in the United States) or (612) 153-5726 (in Mexico).