Tramadol Is A Silent International Addiction Crisis
Tramadol is a synthetic opioid and a drug you may or may not be familiar with, depending on where you live. People in America use and misuse the drug, and it usually starts with a prescription from a doctor.
While it is considered an opioid, it’s not as potent as Oxycontin or fentanyl. People get addicted to it just like any opioid. In fact, on an international level, Tramadol has become somewhat of a crisis for other countries.
What is Tramadol, and Why is It Addictive?
Tramadol is a synthetic opioid. Doctors prescribe it in the US, Mexico, and many other countries for pain. While the drug is often preferred among physicians and considered an alternative to opioids, the truth of the matter is that addiction is common.
Tramadol misuse and addiction are serious social problems in many countries, according to the Center for Strategic Studies. India, where the drug is manufactured, has acknowledged that addiction is a problem in their country. (They don’t typically regulate prescription medications, however.) Egypt has had so many issues with Tramadol addiction that they have outlawed its possession and use. In Cuba, Tramadol addiction is the primary addiction that people have turned to during the pandemic.
In America, Tramadol is prescribed more freely than other opioids, but it is still regulated. In Mexico, people have access to Tramadol easily. However, it’s just one drug on the list of opioids that’s available for people who become addicted to and abuse. In the US and Mexico right now, it’s not popular or profitable enough for the cartels to get involved in.
Tramadol is more accessible for people to get a prescription for than other opioids. Doctors don’t treat it with the same caution as they do with other opioids, which is another reason it’s dangerous.
Why Is Tramadol So Easily Available?
Unlike other opioids, Tramadol has been generally considered safe in the medical community. Overdoses aren’t common, but they can be deadly.
Tramadol was hailed as a not-very-addictive drug that can replace more potent opioids. But in fact, it has become a common drug of abuse among workers in countries with a lot of manual labor. In fact, in Cameroon, Tramadol abuse is so common that 80% of traffic accidents have been attributed to the drug.
Tramadol has been loosely prescribed in many countries as an acceptable alternative to “hard” opioids like Oxycontin. People who take it don’t typically “nod off” as they do with other opioids, giving them a false impression that they are still sober. They still experience euphoria or a "high". Even if they are sore or injured, they can function, making it easier for people in countries with no labor laws to exploit them.
While it’s not considered as potent as other opioids, Tramadol is another highly addictive opioid. People addicted to it experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and typically need help getting sober.
IV Tramadol a New Threat
In America, the FDA is considering making a version of it that can be used as an IV drug. Experts say that this could lead to trafficking of the drug and other types of crisis overseas, where drugs can be manufactured and sold almost freely. They worry that this could bring a “street version” to people in America, putting them at risk for death or overdose.
Getting Help for Addiction
If you or somebody you love needs help with addiction, we’re here to guide you. We can help you get clean and sober in a safe, serene, therapeutic environment. You deserve to reclaim your life and begin your recovery journey. Give us a call at US (949) 279-1376 • MX (612) 153-5726 to learn more about how we can help.