Why Is Learning to Manage Stress Important?
Stress is a fact of life for almost all humans. This is especially true for people in recovery, who are learning to live without the use of alcohol and drugs. The truth is that in recovery or not in recovery, our society places a lot of expectations on us. People are expected to pay their bills, work hard, build a life, have an expensive car, be physically fit, dress in the best clothes and eat in the best restaurants. That’s what television tells you, anyway.
Do you know anybody in real life that is able to do all these things at once? You probably don’t. While the media tries to force us into these images of perfection, they’re causing everyone more harm than good. People are people. Some people have to deal with medical issues, mental health problems, tragedy and trauma in their lives. The good and the bad are part of life. And that's part of what can make life stressful.
Unchanneled Stress is Unhealthy
When you’re feeling stress and unable to channel it in a healthy way, you’ll actually experience physical symptoms. You may get neck pain or a stiff neck. Stress can cause migraines and headaches. Ir can cause insomnia and stomaches. It can cause your blood pressure to go up. It can cause panic attacks.
In other words, stress can be disruptive and dangerous if you channel it in an unhealthy way. Using drugs and alcohol may seem like a way to escape this stress, but it actually comes back later once the high wears off.
Now that you’re sober, you can learn new ways to overcome stress and continue to thrive.
3 Great Ways to Channel Stress
Stress is a fact of life that most people have to cope with. Here are some ways you can channel stress and let it go:
- Exercise: Go for a walk, go jogging, take a swim or go for a surf session. All of these things will help you get your adrenaline going as well as serotonin, a chemical that helps you feel good.
- Talk it Out: Speak with a sponsor, therapist, or friend who supports your sobriety. Not only does sharing help you feel better, they may also have some suggestions to lessen your burden.
- Do Something Creative: Paint, draw, write, or sing at the top of your lungs. Creativity is one way many people find helps them express themselves.
Exercise, therapy, and relaxation techniques can also help you learn healthy coping mechanisms to cope with the stress of life. As long as you don’t drink or use drugs, you’ll be okay. The problems of relapse often make it hard to cope with anything. Addiction can be very insidious. Don’t let stress weigh you down. Talk to others, try some self-care, and know that you’re not alone. Everything is temporary when it comes to emotions. This, too, shall pass.
Do You Need Help?
If you or somebody you love needs help with their addiction, please give us a call. Our state-of-the-art facility is a safe, supportive, gorgeous home-away-from-home that has helped many people conquer their addiction and begin to heal. The gorgeous scenery inspires and invigorates our clients as they learn how to move to the next chapter of their lives in recovery. Give us a call at US (949) 279-1376 • MX (612) 153-5726.